Haridarshan Diamond

House of Salt & pepper Diamonds

We believe we can all make a difference.​
Black Diamond

Modern Black Diamonds Collection

Black diamonds share the same symbolism as other diamonds, but also have a unique meaning of their own. Like white diamonds, black diamonds are thought to symbolize purity, love, fidelity, and eternity. Then, they're also thought to be a symbol of power, charisma, certainty, and passion.

#DIamond #Blackdiamond #ultracollection

White diamond

Trending White Diamonds

Another appeal salt and pepper diamonds have for many Portland couples is their eco-friendly status. These diamonds take far less resources and time to mine, which makes them far less taxing on the environment than regular diamonds.

price policy

Popular understanding, Diamonds for everyone!

We offer a blend of quality and choice in colourless as well as coloured diamonds. We provide free shipping as well as ship globally in most of the countries.
We provide certified and non-certified diamonds of different sizes [small to medium category] of Round & Fancy Shapes.

Customer Reviews

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Our Creative Team

Hiren Gajera
Mehul Dobariya
Priya Kevadiya
Jayesh Patel
tech Lead manager